To the extent (that) 在法律文件中的几种用法
To the extent (that) 在法律文件中的几种用法:
Ø to the (maximum) extent practicable/feasible/possible
Ø to the (fullest) extent permitted by
Ø to the extent reasonably required/requested by
Ø to the maximum extent applicable
(1) The Respondent has in good faith recommended a potential tenant to the Applicant, in an attempt to mitigate the Applicant’s damages to the utmost extent. 被申请人也善意地向申请人推荐了有租赁意向的客户以最大限度地减少申请人的损失。
(2) Except and only to the extent that it is expressly permitted by applicable law, and, to the extent applicable law permits contractual waiver of such right, you hereby waive your rights to do so. 除非且仅在适用法律明确准许的范围内,并且如果适用法律允许合约放弃该权利,您谨此放弃为该等行为的权利。
(3) Banks will only take such action if, when, and to the extent that they agree to do so in each case. 银行只有在其就个案同意的限度内才会采取该等行为。
(4) ……which shall not disclose it without the specific permission of the person or government providing such information, except to the extent that it may be required to be disclosed in the context of judicial proceedings. 未经提供该信息的个人或政府的特别允许不得披露,除非在进行司法程序时要求予以披露。
(5) Party A hereby waives any and all right, claims, title, and interests in the Payment and releases Party B from any and all obligations to Party A in relation to the Payment to the extent such rights, claims, title, interests and obligations exist. 甲方在此放弃对款项的任何权利、主张、所有权和利益,并免除乙方就款项对甲方负有的任何义务(若该等权利、主张、所有权、利益和义务存在)。
(6) Although we thoroughly condemn the “cultural revolution”, we recognize that it was useful to the extent that it taught us a lesson. 我们根本否定“文化大革命”,但应该说“文化大革命”也有一“功”,它提供了反面教训。